Cloud bread with unbaked lemon cheesecake - I've been making this for years without a recipe, so when dale! asked me for the recipe, I had to stop and think. I also use the same mix (less lemon juice) for a pineapple cheesecake. You can add sugar, but I love the tart lemon flavour. If you like your base right up the side of the cheesecake, double the.

Cloud bread with unbaked lemon cheesecake The Best Keto Cloud Bread Recipe (Oopsie Bread Or Oopsie Rolls) - The best keto cloud bread recipe is easy, light & buttery. The perfect no carb bread for a sandwich, also known as oopsie bread or oopsie rolls. Bunda bisa buat Cloud bread with unbaked lemon cheesecake memakai 11 bahan dan 2 langkah. Begini cara memasaknya.

Bahan-bahan memasak Cloud bread with unbaked lemon cheesecake

  1. Siapkan Cloud bread :.
  2. Siapkan 4 butir kuning telur ayam kampung.
  3. Siapkan 110 gram cream cheese.
  4. Kamu butuh 4 butir putih telur ayam kampung.
  5. Sediakan 3 tetes gula stefia cair.
  6. Siapkan Unbaked cheesecake :.
  7. Bunda butuh 250 gram cream cheese.
  8. Siapkan 150 ml whipping cream cair.
  9. Bunda butuh 10 tetes gula stefia cair.
  10. Siapkan 5 sdm air perasan lemon.
  11. Kamu butuh Parutan kulit lemon dari satu buah lemon ukuran besar.

Langkah-langkah memasak Cloud bread with unbaked lemon cheesecake

  1. Cloud bread : Kocok putih telur dan gula sampai softpeak. Sisihkan. Kocok kuning telur dan cream cheese sampai tercampur rata. Ambil 1/3 bagian putih telur, tuang ke adonan kuning telur, aduk balik menggunakan spatula. Lakukan sampai semua adonan putih telur habis. Setelah adonan tercampur rata, tuang ke loyang pie atau loyang bongkar pasang apapun (saya menggunakan loyang pie bongkar pasang diameter 20 cm). Panggang suhu 180°C selama 40 menit. Setelah matang, angkat dan dinginkan..
  2. Unbaked lemon cheesecake : Kocok whipping cream cair sampai mengental. Lalu masukkan cream cheese dan aduk rata dengan mixer. Tambahkan parutan kulit lemon dan air perasan lemon. Aduk rata kembali. Tuang ke atas cloud bread, ratakan dan padatkan. Simpan di kulkas seharian sampai set..

Cloud bread with unbaked lemon cheesecake - This might just be the creamiest cheesecake you've ever tasted, with a secret healthy ingredient no one can ever guess! Enter the creamiest cheesecake you've ever tasted. It's almost like a mousse pie, with an unbelievable cloud-like texture. And you can always stock up on onion rings just in case. This is the only cheesecake that my sister will eat as she is very fussy.