Cloud bread - The perfect no carb bread for a sandwich, also known as oopsie bread or oopsie rolls. Delicious, Low Carb, Low Fat, Gluten Free, Grain Free… The Best Cloud Bread Recipe is a must-make this diet season! Delicious, fluffy cloud bread is the perfect low carb and keto bread alternative. Great for sandwiches, burgers, even desserts!

Cloud bread It actually smells like real bread baking in your oven! If you keep it in the fridge, more like a week! Bunda bisa buat Cloud bread memakai 5 bahan dan 5 langkah. Begini caranya.

Bahan-bahan membuat Cloud bread

  1. Anda butuh 3 putih telor (grade A).
  2. Siapkan 3 sdm gula (me 2 sdm).
  3. Sediakan 1 sdm maizena (boleh tapioka juga).
  4. Anda butuh 1/4 sdt cream of tar tar (bisa di ganti lemon juice).
  5. Sediakan Vanilla & pewarna.

Cara memasak Cloud bread

  1. Pastikan tangan & semua peralatan terbebas dari minyak & air..
  2. Kocok putih telur + cream of tar tar sampai barbusa.. lalu masukan gula secara bertahap.. mix sampai putih berjejak (jambul / soft peaks).
  3. Lalu masukan maizena & vanilla bubuk.. mix dengan speed rendah (ckp sampai tercampur rata).
  4. Bagi adonan & beri pewarna sesuai selera.. lalu tuang d atas loyang. Rapikan..
  5. Panggang 25 - 30 mnit dengan api 160°C atas bawah. Tes kematangan sblm d angkat..

Cloud bread - Cloud Bread is easily one of the best bread substitute recipes you can make! And learning how to make cloud bread is actually super simple. Now, even-though making cloud bread is easy, it is a delicate process. You can easily screw cloud bread up, and I certainly have in the past. One cloud bread pizza just isn't enough.