Churos hijau - Churros Kacang Hijau ini bisa kita coba sendiri di rumah. Cara membuatnya pun mudah dan enggak bikin repot. Easy churros recipe with hot chocolate dipping sauce. Follw this recipe to learn how to make perfect churros.

Churos hijau Churros are traditional in Spain and Portugal, where they originated, as well as in the Philippines and Ibero-America. They are also consumed around the world, especially in the Southwestern United States, France. Anda bisa buat Churos hijau memakai 5 bahan dan 7 langkah. Begini cara memasaknya.

Bahan-bahan buat Churos hijau

  1. Siapkan 10 sdm tepung terigu.
  2. Kamu butuh 2 sdm margarin.
  3. Sediakan 150 ml air (kayaknya lbh enak klo 200 ml airnya).
  4. Anda butuh 2 sdm Gula.
  5. Sediakan 1 telurp.

Cara membuat Churos hijau

  1. Siapin bahannya.
  2. Masak air sd mendidih masukan margarin gula aduk rata..masukan terigu..aa d.
  3. Aduk aduk pakai api kecil aja ya...sampai rata. Matikan api.
  4. Tunggu sampai uap panas hilang masukan telur...dikocok lepas dulu ya bubda....
  5. Aduk pakai mixer biar bemer bener rata..
  6. Cetak pakai botol aqu ya...biar gampang cetaknya...jangan lupa waktu masukin ke minyak goreng sambil digunting adonannya...biar bisa lurus. Goreng sampai matang..
  7. Kalau udah matang kasih gula halus sebagai pemanis..

Churos hijau - Djoko Tjandra di Jakarta, Jaksa Agung Akui Intelijen Lemah. Su, oda sıcaklığında beklettiğiniz tereyağı ve tuzu küçük bir tencereye alıp tereyağı eriyene kadar kısık ateşte kaynatın. Essa receita não absorve gordura, os churros ficam sequinhos e macios. מצא את האיכות הגבוהה של Churros חשמלי מכונת היצרן Churros חשמלי מכונת ספקים Churros חשמלי Germany Deutstandard Electric churros machine/maquina de churros/churros waffle maker for sale. We have quickly become a catering favorite for many all over San Diego County. Our delicious and freshly made Churros are sure to make your special occasion memorable.